
Pancakes greased with butter


flour, 3 eggs, 500 g homemade yoghurt, sunflower oil, butter, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tbsp. baking soda, 3–4 drops vinegar



In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with the homemade yoghurt. Add the salt and baking soda, which has been mixed in advance with some yoghurt and 3–4 drops vinegar. Optional: add some soda water. Gradually add the flour to obtain thick mash. Use a scoop to spread well part of the mash over a greased sach (a clay dish) or frying pan and roast on both sides. When ready, grease every pancake with butter. Serve to taste with white cheese, honey or jam.

Plain patatnik


1 kg potatoes, sunflower oil, salt, mint, black pepper, savory



Peel the potatoes and grate on a grater. Next add the spices – salt, mint, savory and ground black pepper. Mix well and transfer to a baking dish with preheated sunflower oil. Cover with a lid and cook in a moderate oven for 15–20 min. When ready from the bottom, turn upside down and cook further on the other side after adding some more sunflower oil but without the lid this time so as to make sure the water evaporates. In our time, eggs, and grated yellow or white cheese are added to this version of patatnik.

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