Gergyovden flat loaf
white wheat flour, bread yeast, sunflower oil, salt, warm water
Sift the flour, add the yeast, salt and some warm water. Make dough and leave to rise; then divide into two parts. Take one part and knead a flat loaf, then place it in a baking dish greased with oil. Use the second part to create dough shapes for the loaf which symbolize the sun, a sheepfold with the sheep, a shepherd with a crook and a dog, wheat-ears etc. Leave the loaf to rise and then bake in the oven for about 30 min. The loaf is traditionally made for Gergyovden (St. George’s Feast).
Spicy old chicken
1 homebred old chicken together with the giblets, 2-3 sprigs of spring onion, 1 onion, 1 hot pepper, water, sunflower oil, parsley, salt, paprika, savory, mixed herbs
Clean and wash the chicken thoroughly. In a bowl, chop the giblets. Add to them the finely sliced vegetables (spring onion, hot pepper, onion and parsley). Mix everything well, season with salt, mixed spices, savory etc. Stuff the chicken with the mixture, stitch up with e thread and boil in a pan with water. After it is ready, sprinkle with salt, paprika and mixed spices and serve with the giblets as accompaniments.
Optional: use the stock in which the chicken was boiled to make chicken soup.
Rustic chutney
spring onions, red tomatoes, roasted red peppers, salt, vinegar, olive oil, parsley
Chop finely the spring onions, season with salt and crush in a mortar. Add the sliced red tomatoes and the sliced roasted peppers. Pound in the mortar again, season with salt, vinegar, olive oil and sprinkle with chopped parsley.