Pear bulgur
dried pears (prunes, dried apples), bulgur (wheat groats), sugar
Boil the pears with the sugar. Boil the bulgur. Add the bulgur groats to the sugared fruit. By choice, add some more sugar.

dried pears (prunes, dried apples), bulgur (wheat groats), sugar
Boil the pears with the sugar. Boil the bulgur. Add the bulgur groats to the sugared fruit. By choice, add some more sugar.
Bel mazh (White man) Ingredients: fresh, unsalted sheep’s or cow’s white cheese, 3-4 tbsp. of wheat flour, salt to taste Method: Crush the fresh unsalted cheese in a copper vessel...
Rabbit kaplama (stew) Ingredients: rabbit meat, onion, tomato, dried damsons or other dried fruit, paprika, garlic, oil, black pepper, bay leaf, 1 teacup wine,...
Wedding bread Ingredients: wheat flour, 1–2 tbsp. sugar, ½ cube yeast, lukewarm water, salt, oil Method: Dilute the yeast in lukewarm water...