
Trien (stirred) beans


kidney beans, wheat flour, salt

  • for the brown sauce: sunflower oil or butter, paprika



Put the beans in water and leave for one day. Boil the beans on the next day. Filter the broth. Add the flour to the filtered hot beans by stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Pour back the broth from the boiled beans and return to the stove to bring it to the boil again. Pour over the brown sauce from oil (butter) and paprika.

Soda bread for the trien beans


wheat flour, yoghurt (500 g), sunflower oil, salt (1 tbsp.), baking soda



Sift the flour, add the yoghurt, salt, some oil and baking soda. Make dough and spread in a baking dish greased with oil. Score a cross or a rosette in the dough using a fork. Bake in the oven for 30 min.

Prune casserole


prunes (about 1. 5 kg), water, flour (1-2 tbsp.), sugar

  • for the brown sauce: onion, sunflower oil, paprik



Soak the prunes in water and leave them this way for one day. Fry the oil, onion and paprika and add warm water. After the water comes to the boil, add the prunes. Leave to simmer and add the flour which has been dissolved in some water with a little sugar. Stir until it thickens.

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