


flour, water, 500 g yoghurt, baking soda, 1 egg, salt, a piece of salo



In a deep bowl, stir the water with the flour to obtain thin mash. Add to the mash the yoghurt, egg, baking soda and salt. Set aside the mixture to rise then add some water to make the mash thinner. Grease the sach (a clay dish) for baking in advance using the piece of salo. With a ladle pour some of the mixture, spread well and roast on both sides. After roasting, grease each bida with salo. Serve to taste with white cheese, jam
or whatever you like.

Mashed broad beans


broad beans, water, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, paprika



Soak the broad beans in water one day ahead to soften, then peel off the bean husks. Pour lukewarm water and boil the beans, then puree them. Pour the obtained mash in a dish and when it cools down, cut into pieces. Top with brown sauce made from sunflower oil and paprika. Traditionally, the dish is given away on Todorovden (St. Theodore’s Feast) or for commemoration of the dead.

Summer dish


peppers, tomatoes, onion, flour, sunflower oil, paprika, salt



Fry the onion in sunflower oil, add the flour and the paprika, the sliced peppers, tomatoes and salt to taste. Add water and leave to simmer a few minutes more until ready.

Pacha (jellied pig’s trotters)


pork tongue, pork cheeks, 4 pork legs, water, garlic, salt, vinegar



Cut parts of the tongue and cheeks of the pig, add the four pork legs, soak in water and boil. Set aside the stock and add to it the garlic (crushed), salt and vinegar. Pour the seasoned stock over the boiled pork and leave to rest in a cool place for 24 hours to obtain jelly. Consume on Christmas.

Chicken with rice and chick-peas


chicken legs, rice, chick-peas, onion, sunflower oil, water, sugar, salt, whole black peppercorns, bay leaf, parsley, fennel



Wash the chicken legs and cut in a baking dish. Add a few tbsp. of sunflower oil, as well as water to fill half of the dish. Cook the meat in the oven. Fry the onion in oil until golden, add a bowl of rice and three bowls of water and boil until ready. Soak the chick-peas in water the day before and cook with some salt and sugar. Add the cooked rice and chick-peas to the chicken legs, as well as black peppercorns and bay leaf. Cook for further 20 min. in the oven. Season with fennel and parsley.



bread morsels, sunflower oil, paprika, hot water



Fry the sunflower oil with the paprika and add hot water to them. Pour over the bread morsels. Cover the sops with a lid to let the bread soften. Consume for breakfast.

Fig jam


ripe figs, 1 cup water, sugar



Clean the figs from the stalks, cover with sugar and set aside for 24 hours to absorb the sugar and harden. After that tip the fruit into a baking dish, add 1 cup water and cook at a low temperature until the jam is ready.

Purslane soup


purslane, water, salt, 1 tomato (or tomato juice), sunflower oil, paprika, flour



Wash the purslane, cut finely, salt and put into water to cook. Add a sliced tomato (or tomato juice). Finally season the soup with brown sauce made from sunflower oil, flour and paprika. Consume in the summer.

Easter cookies


400 g of unmelted lard, 8 eggs, 1 kg sugar, 2 kg flour, 2 pots of yoghurt, 8 packs ammonia, 1 pack baking powder, 3 packs vanilla powder, the juice and zest of 1 lemon.



Sift the flour twice. Add baking powder. Make a small well in the middle of the flour. Settle the ammonia in yoghurt. Add the eggs beaten with the sugar. Stir well. Add vanilla, the juice and zest of the lemon. Stir the mixture into the flour and make soft dough. Leave it to rise for the whole night and knead another three times, once every couple of hours. Shape the cookies, dub with egg yolk and sprinkle with sugar (optional). Put in the oven to bake. The cookies last long and can be used as lady fingers to make cakes.

Cabbage kerosiika


1 sour cabbage, fermented cabbage juice, salo, paprika, sunflower oil, flour



Chop finely the sour cabbage, soak in the fermented cabbage juice and cook for about 30 min. at a moderate temperature. In a pan, fry the pieces of salo with a little flour and paprika and add to the fermented cabbage juice. Cabbage kerosiika is fit for an everyday dish.

Folk song from Hisarya

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То́пена манжда


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