
Koynare-style eggs with onion


eggs, onion, tomato paste, parsley, savory, flour, salt, paprika, water



Peel and cut the onion. Stew with some oil and water. Add paprika. Mix the tomato sauce with some flour and add to the onion. Put in the eggs but do not stir, just leave them on top the onion mixture. Cook at a low temperature. Before taking it off from the stove, season with savory, parsley and salt.

Vegan tarator


cucumber, garlic, fennel, salt, vinegar, water



Cut the cucumber finely. Add the crushed garlic and the fennel. Put in salt, vinegar and water.

Mutton bake


Mutton / lamb, savory, paprika, salt, oil



Mix the seasoning and roll every piece of meat in the spicy mixture. Arrange the meat in a greased baking dish, cover with cabbage leaves or foil, then bake for at least two hours.

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