
Meshtitsa-style kavarma


salo, pork, pickled vegetables, leek, salt to taste



Slice the salo in fine pieces and fry until golden in a deep pan. Gradually add the chopped pork, chopped pickled vegetables, finely chopped leek and some salt to taste. Boil the kavarma until ready stirring now and then. This kind of kavarma is served on Christmas after slaughtering the pig.

Meshtitsa-style fry with urda (curds) and shtavel



curds, dock, leek, eggs, oil, salt to taste



Chop the leek finely and fry in oil. Add the chopped and salted dock, fry and add the curds and 4-5 eggs beaten in advance. Fry for further 5-6 min. Optional: prepare in the same way, but without eggs.

Egg roasted over paper


1 egg, a pinch of salt



Put baking paper on the cooker and break the egg over it. Season with salt and carefully spread the yolk from the middle of the egg to the edges. Roast for 4-5 min. Roasted eggs are more often served to the children in the family.

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